9/11: Visual Ruminations

Most adult Americans have horrifying images in their heads and uneasy feelings in their gut about the tragic attacks on our homeland.

And America changed.

Citizens of our proud and prosperous land found themselves vulnerable and besieged. The perceived certainties of the post-World War II world order gave way to the uncertainties of asymmetric warfare of small terrorist cells against great nation states.

It has been over sixteen years since four commercial jetliners commandeered by Islamic terrorists crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon outside of Washington, D.C., and a Pennsylvania field, the last plane on its way to destroy the White House or the Capitol building.

These 28 prints seemed to have happened by themselves. In a strange way, I had very little to do with their creation. The imagery just appeared to pass through me over the last year. It did not originate with a conscious decision to create it.

While searching for a subtitle for the series before presenting it to the public, I free-associated various possibilities including “graphic elegy,” “unimaginable images,” and “testament in terror,” among others. But none felt exactly right.

Finally, it struck me in an off moment:

“Visual Ruminations.”

I googled “rumination” to get an exact meaning. The definition that most resonated with me is “the focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as opposed to its solutions.” Rumination is associated with ongoing worry and chronic anxiety.

Visual art has been used by humans for over 40,000 years to mark significant events and concerns in the life of an artist and his or her community. These visual markings are used to transcend the short time span of our lives, and perhaps even death itself.

Make of these images what you will.

Bob Barancik
St. Petersburg, Florida
January 28, 2017


Concept & Art: Bob Barancik
Video Post-Production & Soundtrack: Rodney Whittenberg
Digital Print Production: Michael Conway

Towers Signature Series


Pentagon Signature Series

Spirits Signature Series

B&W Signature Series

Technical Notes

The 23 signature prints have outside dimensions of 17x22 inches. They were printed on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Ink Jet Paper. A complete mini-print artist proof set is available for review as 8.5x11 inch prints. The printing ink is pigmented and archival. The prints can be shipped in a plastic print album or in sealed “Clear Bag” envelopes with an acid-free foam core backing. Sprayed prints can be hung for exhibition without frames and glass.

Price for the signed and numbered series is available upon request.

Simple Exhibition System

The following photos show a simple and low cost exhibition system. It requires only standard metal office folder clips, small-headed nails, and prints.

The 17x22 inch sheets have been sprayed with Hahnemuhle brand protective spray. This is the preferred coating for Hahnemuhle Fine Art Ink Jet papers.

The suggested height measurement from the floor to top edge of print is 72 inches, with eight inches between prints. Personal preferences may vary.

The prints are shipped in an archival photo box or in a bound plastic album. Clips and nails can be provided upon request.

This contemporary exhibit system provides an intimate viewer interface with the art and is efficient in terms of money and effort. There is no need for matting and framing, or crating of each print.

Please contact Bob Barancik for additional exhibit information and prices.

Contact Bob Barancik

email: bobcreates@earthlink.net
cell+text: 215.964.3937

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